Katherine Clark : born American, MA, U. Michigan, Eng Lit, university instructor US and Germany. 1980s: director, Heidelberg center, Schiller International University; 1990s: Greenpeace International, Amsterdam, media liaison, liaison to Greenpeace Athens; 1990s-2000s translator/editor for German GO Gesellschaft fόr Internationale Zusammenarbeit. Greek Orthodox convert. 2009: Publication by Kuperard, UK, of The Orthodox Church as a 'Simple Guide' (Random House dist. USA). Articles on Parian culture and history, incl. 'Closing the Circle': how abbot (now 'saint') Philotheos of Longovarda monastery and German commandant Graf von Merenberg, joined to save 125 Parian lives during WWII: republished in German and Greek translations. Godchild to a Parian family, fluent conversational Greek. Ms. Clark enjoys close ties to Parians and Antipariots, who have kindly confided in her their sufferings and triumphs under the Italian occupation. She lives with her husband James in Heidelberg, Germany, and in Paros, Greece.